CELF Virtual Summer Institutes 2021 Recap - Children's Environmental Literacy Foundation

CELF Virtual Summer Institutes 2021 Recap

Each summer, CELF hosts our annual Summer Institutes to provide an opportunity for educators and administrators to immerse themselves in a multi-day learning experience centered on sustainability, environmental literacy, and both project and problem-based learning methods. This year, the institutes took the form of three virtual professional development programs focused on education for sustainability and civic science. The first two sessions focused on Education for Sustainability, introducing the Big Ideas of Sustainability framework. The final session, Civic Science: Inquiry to Action, guided educators through three pathways to which the civic science framework could be applied: air quality, biodiversity, and water.

During the institutes, teachers were motivated and inspired by a curated line up of guest speakers, CELF-modeled lessons, and their fellow participants. As a professional learning community that often works in teams, teachers and students came together to present final projects that reflected a collaborative spirit and the passion to create positive change in our world.

Check out some highlights below of some of the incredible student projects from this year!


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