CELF Virtual Student Symposium Spring 2021 Recap - Children's Environmental Literacy Foundation

CELF Virtual Student Symposium Spring 2021 Recap

At the end of May, CELF concluded its Spring 2021 Civic Science: Inquiry to Action program with a Virtual Student Symposium! This interactive presentation experience gave students and teachers the opportunity to present their semester-long work to each other, the CELF staff, and scholars and educators from other participating schools. Utilizing a place-based approach, students tackled a variety of STEAM-related topics, including urban greenspaces, air quality, and environmental justice.

Interested in bringing Civic Science to your classroom? Register for the Civic Science Summer Institute to learn how to incorporate this program into your curricula for the 2021-22 school year.

Check out some highlights below of some of the FANTASTIC student projects from this past semester!


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