Live every day like it’s Earth Day! - Children's Environmental Literacy Foundation

Live every day like it’s Earth Day!

We are excited to see more and more signs of spring, and opportunities to reignite students’ learning in some of the outdoor spaces they love most. We invite you to join us for our line-up of programs and activities taking place during Earth Month and beyond: explore CELF’s full spectrum of activities for teachers, students, corporate citizens and community members!

Some Easy Actions That Make a Difference!

REWEAR Challenge

Join the Circular Economy! To celebrate Earth Month, the popular online marketplace Kidizen has launched the REWEAR Challenge with 13 top brands participating — including Tea Collection, See Kai Run, Alice+Ames and more — with proceeds to benefit CELF. Donate preloved kids clothes + Support circular fashion + CELF receives profits = Winning Earth Month!

Take a Breath, Feel the Flow

Join hundreds of civic scientists in collecting air quality samples in your neighborhood or wherever you travel! For Earth Month, our partner Plume Labs is offering a special discount on their portable air quality monitor, Flow 2. Check it out and use code EARTHDAYCELF to get $50 off your purchase!

A Bags Life

Go ALL IN reducing use of plastic bags. Check out this informative and fun website to learn (more than you thought!) about where and how to recycle, repurpose, and reduce the use of plastic bags.

City Nature Challenge

Participate in the City Nature ChallengeOur team in Houston will be joining over 200+ Global Cities to observe, record, and identify the wildlife, plants life, and other living organisms of their regions using the amazing (and free) iNaturalist app. We will also be competing against other Texas regional teams, including the tough, talented team from Dallas-Fort Worth. The observations made using the iNaturalist app can be used by scientists to track wildlife and plant populations and even plan habitat restorations that will benefit both them and humans.

Read and Watch

During the past year, the CELF Team, our partners and our teachers have exchanged some favorite books, articles and videos. We think you’ll like them, too!

Biggest Little Farm
(available on Hulu)

A River Ran Wild, by Lynne Cherry

Teacher Feature

This spring, CELF has partnered with Math for America to present “Engaging Students Through Inquiry, Place and Action in the Blended Classroom”. 

NYC teachers explored local geography, historical significance and scientific inquiry to understand how human and natural systems interact, and how this relationship develops and changes over time.

Check out how teachers reflected on what quality of life features are important for establishing healthy and safe communities. #mfaproud #TeacherFeature

Join Us!

Interested in learning more about how to integrate sustainability into your classroom or school community? Join us during one of these upcoming programs:

Membership Program

CELF’s school Membership pilot program has officially launched! Learn more by visiting our website, and to schedule a virtual tour of our membership space.

Student Symposiun

CELF’s first ever virtual Student Symposium will take place on Saturday, May 22nd.Young civic scientists from CA, CT, NY, and TX will share their research and findings in air quality exploration on a dynamic new platform, joined by field experts and decision makers who can help make their action plans for cleaner air and healthier communities become reality! If you’re interested in participating, please reach out to Victoria Garufi, Director of Education.

CELF Annual Summer Institute

Summer Institute early bird registration has opened! This year CELF’s transformative, well-loved Summer professional learning experience for K-12 educators will be offered through three sessions. See dates and themes here.  Join us to learn more during our Summer Institute Open House Sessions:

  • Wed, May 26 at 6pm CST / 7pm EDT Register
  • Wed, June 9 at 6pm CST / 7pm EDT Register

Opportunities for Partnership and Support

Join us in supporting these timely and powerful programs for students and teachers! We are seeking sponsors to support both the Symposium and the Institutes for in-kind and financial contributions; overview documents are linked here:

Earth Month is a great time to ask us about CELF’s new ways to engage employees in sustainability corporate citizenship! From our community-based Family Nature Challenge to our Green Careers speaker series, you and your company can both learn from and contribute to schools pursuing environmental literacy and sustainability across their campuses and curricula

Are your students ready to take their story-telling skills to the next level?Get your voice heard and win up to $10,000!
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