Summer Internship Reflection 2020 - Children's Environmental Literacy Foundation

Parnia Razinobakht

University of Houston- Valenti School of Communications, Graduate Assistant- Center for Diversity & Inclusion

parnia r headshot

“CELF is building community and filling an important gap between sustainability and education— an area that needs to be addressed to create the future advocates, changemakers, and leaders we need!”

I had a great experience being part of CELF’s Summer Institutes Reimagined and doing an entirely remote internship for the first time! CELF has made an incredibly seamless transition to working online and continuing to offer workshops and other professional development services to educators. 

The world is changing dramatically in nearly every facet of our society, but organizations like CELF are even more powerful and necessary because of their forward-thinking approach, and ability to offer the skills needed to shape a better future. CELF offers a glimmer of hope in educating the next generation to be civically engaged, aware of their place and history, and equipped with the tools needed to make their mark on the world.

During my summer internship, I gained many skills working with CELF. Being remote, I quickly picked up many of the tech tools we use, such as Padlet, Flipgrid, Google Sites, Slido, Neon, and iMovie. Many of these tools are now invaluable in our “new normal” world, and I’m grateful to have spent this summer working with them. My primary tasks included doing website updates for the Summer Institutes on Google Sites, creating “Schedule at a Glance” graphics on Canva, working with iMovie to edit and upload presentation videos from the Summer Institutes, and working on the Neon database to update information.

I also learned a great deal from the amazing team at CELF, who modeled a high level of professionalism, even in this strange time connecting with one another from home. Despite not meeting any of the team in person, I felt welcomed and connected.

CELF has even more room to grow as the world has a greater demand for the diverse, interdisciplinary approach offers. CELF is an organization that I hope to support and stay connected with.

I learned a great deal and enjoyed my time working with this amazing organization and team!

Is the CELF internship experience right for you?  Click here to learn more about CELF’s Fall 2020 internship.

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