Who We Serve - Children's Environmental Literacy Foundation

Who We Serve

Since 2003, schools and educators have worked with CELF to advance sustainability with their students. From our home bases in Westchester and Houston, we continue to expand our community of sustainability-minded educators throughout the US and the world.


Students who take part in Education for Sustainability (EfS) opportunities demonstrate improved academic performance, critical thinking skills, civic engagement, and confidence. With CELF programs, students work together to explore environmental justice and sustainability challenges in their school communities, and learn how to apply their findings to build a more sustainable and equitable future.

CELF reaches a diverse population representative of the communities we serve

Source: nces.ed.gov for participating US-based schools where data is available, since 2020


CELF’s professional learning model engages educators in interactive, place-based, cross-disciplinary learning experiences that help them apply a sustainability lens to their practice. CELF facilitators work side-by-side with teachers as they integrate the Big Ideas of Sustainability, EfS standards and Civic Science into their existing curricula, creating authentic learning opportunities with their students.

Teachers participating in CELF programs work across the K-12 spectrum

Source: Self-reported, since 2020


CELF promotes a collaborative and cooperative community in which learning extends beyond the classroom, leveraging school infrastructure and community partnerships to foster authentic learning and locally-relevant problem-solving. The Whole School Change program is designed to assist systemic integration of sustainability throughout curriculum, school culture, campus and community. 

The majority of schools working with CELF are Title 1 eligible

Source: nces.ed.gov for participating US-based schools, since 2020

Interactive Map

The interactive map below displays schools that have participated in our programs since 2020. Click on a pin to view program participation and school demographics.

CELF Participants in Their Own Words

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