CELF workshops now eligible for CTLE credit - Children's Environmental Literacy Foundation

CELF workshops now eligible for CTLE credit

The Children’s Environmental Literacy Foundation received some exciting news this fall from the New York State Education Department, (NYSED).  Our application to be a Sponsor of Continuing Teacher and Leader Education (CTLE) was approved!  Any professional classroom teacher or school leader must complete CTLE hours in order to retain their certification.  CELF will now be able to issue CTLE certificates in our professional development, Citizen Science and Summer Institute programs.  

According to NYSED, “Acceptable CTLE activities are those that improve teacher pedagogical or leadership skills targeted at improving student performance.”  Education for Sustainability promotes teaching and educational leadership, and the development of critical thinking skills necessary to understand complex systemic problems.  CELF works with teachers and administrators to tailor our workshops to meet district goals for student performance.  

 We are pleased to offer New York-based teachers the opportunity to gain important professional credits while benefiting from the experience of CELF programs. Each hour of programming is eligible for 1 CTLE credit. 

Get in touch with our Director of Education, Victoria Garufi, if you have any questions: victoria@celfeducation.org.

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