Donate - Children's Environmental Literacy Foundation


Your generous donation can help in the following ways:

$10,000 Supports two underserved schools participation in our Civic Science: Inquiry to Action program
$5,000Provides professional learning, teaching resources and field trip support for one school
$2,500Supports five classrooms with transportation to present at our annual Student Symposium
$1,000Enables two teachers to participate in the CELF Summer Institute
$500 Helps us provide a participating school with a microgrant to support project implementation
$250Provides a stipend to a participating teacher for participating in our Civic Science program
$100Supplies a school with pocket prairies to promote local biodiversity and school gardening
$50Equips a classroom with Civic Science data collection tools (i.e. water testing kits, hydroponic grow kits)
$25Helps us distribute Big Ideas of Sustainability classroom posters to 5 teachers
Items listed are representative of services and supplies provided as part of CELF programs. The cost of each item is an approximation and may vary based on actual costs incurred during program implementation. Donations will be used to support the general operating expenses of CELF now and in the future.

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Donate by Mail

By sending your tax-deductible contribution to: 

The Children’s Environmental Literacy Foundation
500 Summit Lake Drive, Suite 130
Valhalla, NY 10595

Employer Matching Gift Programs

Double your donation! Check with your employer to see if they offer a matching gift program

Donor-Advised Funds

CELF is already on file with most national donor advised-funds. Your DAF can mail your grant to the address above. Our EIN is 36-­4540146. 

Bank or Wire Transfer

To transfer funds directly to CELF, please contact our Finance Manager for wire transfer instructions or Zelle information.

Donations of Securities

Gifts of publicly traded securities that have appreciated in value allow you to avoid capital gains taxes while also receiving a tax deduction for your gift. You benefit from making a contribution that would be larger than what you might have been able to donate in cash. Securities may be made as outright gifts or as a payment on a pledge. Stock certificates may be re-assigned directly to CELF or may be transferred through the donor’s broker. The mean market value on the date of the transfer will determine the value of the gift for tax purposes. To make a gift of securities to CELF, please contact our Finance Manager.

Build a Legacy of Sustainability

If you would like to give in ways that will also reduce your estate taxes and probate costs, please consider CELF.

Please contact Pallavi Mehta: 914.449.6868 or email with any questions. 

“I want to make sure younger generations have the deep essential grasp of sustainability and thoroughly incorporate it into an ongoing living reality. It makes me feel very inspired and motivated to support this work.”

Diane Fletcher Hoppe
Advisor to the San Diego Foundation, Willis and Jane Fletcher Family Fund III
Read More About Diane

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