Today's Education and Tomorrow's Change-Agents - Children's Environmental Literacy Foundation

Today's Education and Tomorrow's Change-Agents

CELF was thrilled to participate in a recent speaker series held at Brown Advisory, a global investment strategy firm. The panel discussion was held at their New York headquarters and explored important questions about the skills we need to cultivate in our future leaders and problem solvers. Moderated by CELF board member and Brown Advisory head of sustainable investing, Karina Funk, the panel featured industry leaders including our very own Katie Ginsberg, CELF Founder and Executive Director. 

Giulia Siccardo of McKinsey with Drew Patrick
 of Scarsdale Union Free School District.

Karina Funk of Brown Advisory with Katie Ginsberg
 of the Children’s Environmental Literacy Foundation.

We particularly loved hearing the take from Assistant Superintendent Drew Patrick of Scarsdale Schools on why sustainability is the perfect lens through which to build 21st century skills. Listen to him here: 

There is nothing more inspiring than motivated, mobilized middle school students! 

One of the evening’s greatest highlights was the extraordinarily knowledgeable and articulate group of 6th graders and their teacher, Anna Mello, from the Chapin School. Ms. Mello was a teacher participant in the CELF Citizen Science Inquiry to Action program. Her students demonstrated their understanding of air quality data and presented action plans and designs for improving air quality. They really wowed the audience of finance and corporate professionals with their work, command of a very complex issue and commitment to action.  Go, Anna Mello!  You and your students continue to inspire us. 

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