Background - Children's Environmental Literacy Foundation


The Annual CELF Summer Institute in Education for Sustainability (EfS) is an intensive multi-day workshop that enables teachers to integrate the concepts of sustainability into their existing curricula. The Institute equips K-12 teachers with practices and teaching methods to address the core concepts of EfS – the intersection of social, economic, and ecological systems – and how the balance of those three systems is vital to a sustainable future, and relevant to all subject areas.

The Institute begins by building a learning community and a common vocabulary around sustainability, and progresses with hands-on activities, case studies, guest presentations, evening excursions and field work. The schedule includes supported planning time so that participants will have tangible materials to bring back to their classrooms.

The CELF Summer Institute experience is most effective when you attend with a team of your peers. We hear from our many alums that support from and collaboration with colleagues amplifies the benefits that emerge from the Summer Institute.

“This was the best professional development experience I have had as an educator.  I am walking away with a wealth of new knowledge and skills to incorporate sustainability into my own teaching and the habits and mindsets of my school”

Tim Clare

Teacher Testimonials

Read Our 2022 Summer Institute Recap


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